Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why the name REAL?

  • About 4% of teenagers 13-18 actually have a relationship with God in America today.
  • Over 70% of teenagers that actually attend church drop out by the ages between 18-22
  • 52% of USA claims a protestant church that’s 157 million people only 28% or 85 million actually attend that church
  • We are following the trends of Western Europe. Less then 5% of the population in most European Countries actually steps foot in a church except for funerals.
  • 1990-2004 The USA population rose by more then 18% in the same time church attendance declined by 3%.
  • Percentage of loss for age categories in the church
    16-17 -15%
    17-18 -24%
    18-19 -29%

    The reason why we have chosen the name REAL is because people are looking for something different, something authentic, some REAL. As you can see from the stats above young adults have rejected church and at the same time rejected God. Young adults are looking for something that impacts there every day life, something they can’t live without. We believe that God is essential to your life and so is the church. You disagree? Well we are excited to help you discover that for yourself.

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