Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dog Tired

This morning I was feeling a little tired and I saw this picture and it made me laugh so I decided to share it with all of you. There are always seasons in our life that or more busy then others and if you’re like me when I get real busy I just bare down that much harder and just try to keep on grinding. Now there are times in our life when we just have to grind to get the job done, but we need to make sure we always keep everything in perspective. It is far too easy to put God off and say tomorrow I will pray or tomorrow I will read my Bible. Tomorrow I will make that phone call to a loved one and let them know I was thinking about them. When our lives get busy our vision of what truly is most important gets skewed.

Don’t forget what is truly important even in the busy times, because lets just be honest life will always be busy so make sure to keep your priorities in order. If you don’t then you will wake up one day having accomplished all your goals but have lost what is truly important.

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