Monday, March 30, 2009

Does Satan Exist?

Check out this link Nightline had a debate on does Satan exist. It really turns into a debate on your world view and is the Bible true, Interesting stuff.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Spring is here and that can only mean 2 things, 1 REAL starts in a few weeks and 2 it is Tornado season. If the sirens go off and you don't see me for a few weeks don't worry I am hiding in my basement.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dog Tired

This morning I was feeling a little tired and I saw this picture and it made me laugh so I decided to share it with all of you. There are always seasons in our life that or more busy then others and if you’re like me when I get real busy I just bare down that much harder and just try to keep on grinding. Now there are times in our life when we just have to grind to get the job done, but we need to make sure we always keep everything in perspective. It is far too easy to put God off and say tomorrow I will pray or tomorrow I will read my Bible. Tomorrow I will make that phone call to a loved one and let them know I was thinking about them. When our lives get busy our vision of what truly is most important gets skewed.

Don’t forget what is truly important even in the busy times, because lets just be honest life will always be busy so make sure to keep your priorities in order. If you don’t then you will wake up one day having accomplished all your goals but have lost what is truly important.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why the name REAL?

  • About 4% of teenagers 13-18 actually have a relationship with God in America today.
  • Over 70% of teenagers that actually attend church drop out by the ages between 18-22
  • 52% of USA claims a protestant church that’s 157 million people only 28% or 85 million actually attend that church
  • We are following the trends of Western Europe. Less then 5% of the population in most European Countries actually steps foot in a church except for funerals.
  • 1990-2004 The USA population rose by more then 18% in the same time church attendance declined by 3%.
  • Percentage of loss for age categories in the church
    16-17 -15%
    17-18 -24%
    18-19 -29%

    The reason why we have chosen the name REAL is because people are looking for something different, something authentic, some REAL. As you can see from the stats above young adults have rejected church and at the same time rejected God. Young adults are looking for something that impacts there every day life, something they can’t live without. We believe that God is essential to your life and so is the church. You disagree? Well we are excited to help you discover that for yourself.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I just met with a young adult who is looking to connect with other people just like him. It seems like as you get older it is easier to get more disconnected and lose that all important community. I was excited that I was able to share with him about REAL and he was excited about the opportunity to come and get involved. REAL is going to be a place where you can connect with God and other people just like you, I can’t wait for it to start.


We are a community for Young Adults to come be REAL and meet and learn about a REAL God whole loves and knows the REAL you. You don’t have to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, or have everything together. You just have to come and let down your guard and be ready to have a experience where you will learn, love, connect, and be encouraged.