Monday, April 13, 2009

Who's Talking

“I think getting up in the morning is more exciting when you’re nervous. If you’re not nervous, you’re dead… .It’s time to change your life or your work the moment you stop having butterflies in your stomach.” – Warren Bennis
It takes guts to start something… when entering a STARTUP ministry strong leadership is the only key to survival. Leadership at it’s core is vision. If it is too big- and don’t deliver- you may loose credibility to your team and tribe. If it is too small- you will create a frustrated team, and loose the ability to unleash people into what they are designed to do.
If certainty and stability breed complacency and mediocrity, then change and challenge is necessary to breed leadership. Leaders bring about change they initiate, they innovate, they make things happen, they disturb the status quo! Why? Because leaders bring about change and what leaders want to change must get talked about..!
“If the marketplace isn’t talking about you, there’s a reason. If people aren’t discussing your products, your services, your cause, your movement or your career, there’s a reason. The reason is that you’re boring.” – Seth Godin, You’re boring
The vision and actions taken by leaders should generate the kind of emotional engagement that provokes conversation. Leaders are responsible for shaping and organisations conversation and the quality of an organisation’s conversation is the leadership’s responsibility. The quality of the conversation can be directly correlated with the quality of the organisation’s leadership. Using conversation deliberately means that we need to think carefully about how we will craft conversation and how we can use it purposefully.
“A leader’s job is to engineer epiphanies one conversation at a time.” - Susan Scott
Consider the following:
If you’re not waking up nervous, then you’re not getting talked about!
If you’re not disturbing the status quo, then you’re not getting talked about!
Is your purpose, cause and vision getting talked about? If not…. you don’t matter!

A friend of mine posted this on his blog and I thought it was so good all of you needed to read it. Thanks Ryan

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